The Catholic Register

Encountering the anchor of Eucharistic adoration

By Janelle Ryan, Catholic Register Special

October 6, 2022

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I have experienced the healing and transformation that encountering the person of Jesus Christ brings and Eucharistic adoration has played a large role in this. Adoration is one of the best ways to experience the peace, love and strength that only Jesus can provide. It’s something we desperately need these days.

Growing up, I was very fortunate to be exposed to reverence and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, from saying “Hi” to Jesus in the tabernacle after Mass to spending time with my grandparents in their parish’s adoration chapel. Too young to understand the term “Real Presence,” I still recognized these encounters and specific places as set apart by a stillness and peace that transcended everything.

I felt a deep experience of the person of Christ at a Catholic summer camp I began attending at 13. There were several opportunities for Eucharistic adoration, and one of the most beautiful was the Eucharistic procession followed by all-night adoration. It was the first time I intentionally chose to spend time alone in adoration with Jesus. I vividly recall sitting on the chapel floor, staring up at the monstrance illuminated by the soft candlelight and feeling a warmth, peace and safety that I hadn’t experienced before. I never wanted to leave.

My experiences led to powerful encounters of Christ in the Eucharist and an understanding of His desire for a personal relationship with me. After high school, it was time at an educational institute of faith and mission that really changed my life. During my two years there, we had daily silent adoration.  I found the more time I spent in adoration, the more I came to know how Jesus spoke to me. I became familiar with His voice, learned how much He loved me and gained great clarity and joy in the calling He created me for.

As I have navigated these turbulent last few years, Eucharistic adoration has been an anchor for me as has trying to attend daily Mass when possible. Through personal struggles and even the experience of dryness in prayer, by God’s grace I still know the importance of adoration and go as often as possible. Whenever I do, it remains a safe place to land where I can encounter the peaceful, steady and loving person of Jesus. Spending time with Jesus this way brings incredible graces and fruits into all parts of my life, but I have to commit to coming to adoration even when I don’t feel like it.

I pray you will encounter the person of Jesus through spending time in regular daily or weekly adoration, because He loves you and desires to spend time with you.

Submitted by Eucharistic Adoration Canada

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