Readers Speak Out: October 16, 2022
October 13, 2022
Blocking transparency
I find the Oct. 2 editorial “Rebuild trust” mind boggling.
The take is that the CCCB barred journalists from its annual meetings because it has lost faith in reporters accurately reporting. I highly doubt that is the reason. It seems like more of the same: the CCCB doing what it can to block transparency and control the narrative, especially around the sexual abuse problem in the Catholic Church.
It seems to me the CCCB has a lot of work to do to build trust with survivors, Indigenous people and the laity in general. Reporters do their job of reporting what the Church tries to hide.
Nancy Mayer
Scarborough, Ont.
Moral crisis
It’s good news to learn from The Register’s Oct. 2 article, “St. Monica Institute brings faith to a practical world,” that the Institute aims to connect faith with works
We do need more evangelization and political Catholic action. However, the workshop last May for prospective Catholics school trustees was hardly the way to engage Catholics. The presenters outnumbered participants two to one.
There are more trustee candidates in this election because more parents are witnessing the sad reality that our separate schools are experiencing a serious moral crisis. Catholics schools have been colonized by an aggressive progressive secularism.
Regrettably, there is no real diocesan strategy to push back in order to protect the children and help save their souls.
Lou Iacobelli
Jesuit alarm bells
The Oct. 2 article “Jesuit group honours Fauci” is full of points of contention.
In contrast to the view presented, the hopes of many are that as Anthony Fauci retires, he will be put on trial for his role in the gain of function research that led to the man-made virus that caused the COVID pandemic.
Fauci should also be tried for the death and disability he caused in disallowing the treatment of virus-infected patients with proven antiviral drugs.
By their actions, the Jesuits continue to firm up their place as participants in the unfolding globalist, secular, atheistic world that holds no place for Christ.
For its part, The Catholic Register continues to present articles in an unbalanced way that leads Catholics away from the truth and, in this case, into dangerous territory.
John Killackey
Mississauga, Ont
Registering kudos
I wish to compliment The Catholic Register team for producing an outstanding, beautiful, high quality souvenir publication (Penance and Progress), done in a timely manner.
I have received The Catholic Register for many years and enjoy its contents.
J. Hugh O’Donnell
Carp, Ont.