The Catholic Register

Readers Speak Out: December 11, 2022

Catholic Register Staff

December 8, 2022

    COP27 valuable

    I appreciate The Catholic Register reporting on my impressions of COP27. The Register’s Nov. 27 editorial, “COP27’s Failure,” made me want to expand. 

    I attended COP27 for the duration. By the end, after my interview with The Register, significant decisions were made. Contrary to the editorial’s comments that there was “so little to show for the experience,” COP27 was extremely valuable for me to gain insight into the process of climate negotiations and policy, and as an event that contributed, if incompletely, to the process of alleviating the climate crisis and addressing climate justice and advocacy.  

    I have a much better understanding of how these negotiations work and while, as a youth delegate, I recognize decisions made at COPs are not enough, this does not mean we should discourage participation. There is a fine line between disappointment and cynicism. There were significant disappointments and frustrations, but not enough to make me cynical about the process. The Loss & Damage Fund was meaningful and could not have been achieved without participation by all. 

    Although in some areas COP27 failed to produce a global response to climate change, our delegation was able to amplify the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, and we will continue doing that.

    Yusra Shafi


    Gold Star

    I was wonderfully encouraged when I read the Toronto Star editorial of Nov. 25 speaking out against the madness of medical assistance in dying (MAiD). Althia Raj’s column also expressed the same point of view. 

    How brave for noted, influential commentators in the public realm to speak out with voices so different from what seems to be popular. We need to encourage those in the wider public media who bravely shine light! As Fr. Ron Rolheiser pointed out in his Dec. 4 column, it’s so easy to become embittered. We need to work at loving.

    Peggy Wittman

    Mississauga, Ont. 

    Vatican omerta

    Regarding The Catholic Register report in its Dec. 4 issue on Cardinal Zen being fined, next to the Pope, cardinals are the highest-ranking clergy in the Church. Therefore, lay persons expect individual cardinals to have a strong defence against unjust treatment. 

    Yet Cardinal Burke was demoted for no reason, Cardinal Pell was imprisoned for crimes he did not commit, and now Cardinal Zen has been fined and may face worse for an administrative lapse under a communist regime. In all cases the Vatican response has been “No comment.”

    Lise Anglin


    Vote for Father

    While vilifying French Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard for his sexual abuse, we should credit and honour him for his moral courage in confessing his misconduct and accepting the punishment that awaits. 

    Discussion of sexual ethics nudges us unavoidably toward discussion of the scandals and grave transgressions over decades by Catholic priests and religious. What went wrong? To what extent was celibacy to blame? The simple answer is catastrophic moral failure by the religious, and incompetent management by their superiors. It’s a lethal combination.  

    Fortunately, Pope Francis has offered a solution with his determination to introduce a synodal institute to invert the Church’s pyramid of control from the ordained to the laity. Francis’ success will give those in the pews the privilege of electing those who serve them.

    J.E. Sequeira

    Pointe-Claire, Que.