Failing the faith?
June 8, 2023
The Catholic Register’s writers have mixed records for stories demonstrating true love for the Catholic Church. So, I approached with trepidation the recent cover story about Catholic school boards debating flying Pride flags.
Sure enough, the article quoted an LGBT activist known for distractingly waving a Pride flag while those defending the Catholic position presented arguments. To the credit of The Register writer, the opinion of Byron Perry, St. Michael’s Church representative for the Holy Trinity Secondary School in Oakville, was presented. He confirmed that “as Catholics, we love our LGBT community” but they no longer need help.
The need to fly a Pride flag on Catholic property is a failure to understand our faith. It is troublesome in trustees, principals and teachers charged with transmitting our faith to children. It is even more troublesome in deacons, priests and bishops. If people of responsibility don’t get it, how can our faith be transferred to future generations?
June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. If we focus our efforts and get this message across, the Pride flag debate will disappear.
John Killackey
Mississauga, Ont.
(Pope Francis says, “listen with the heart.” – the Editor.)