The Catholic Register

Just commentary

Catholic Register Staff

July 5, 2023

    The penny has finally dropped and I now realize that you are actually not a Christian paper at all but rather a sort of political and intellectual commentary upon things Catholic.

    The June 25 story about Justice Russell Brown’s resignation is about who he was and speculation about the future.  You talk about fear the Supreme Court tilts too far left. The whole country tilts too far left, and what is left anyways?  Anarchy and chaos reigning supreme. 

    Michael Swan’s book report on David Deane’s The Tyranny of the Banal was silly.  The point is not whether it is a Christian argument to talk about natural law when discussing moral issues such as abortion assisted suicide, living together, birth control, and the whole LGBTQ+ community etc. The actual problem is there are not enough Christians in the Catholic Church who follow God’s moral law. Some of them are even clerics.

    And, while good laws do not change the heart of a person, they do serve as a deterrent from making decisions that one may later regret. Bad laws destroy lives. 

    Where Catholics really drop the ball is not in having plainly laid our moral laws based on Biblical principles but in rejecting God’s holy laws and rebelling against them under the delusion of being Christian/Catholic believers.

    I hope somebody actually reads this email to the end.  I don’t think you realize there are souls at stake in all of this.

    Michaela Serschen

    (A penny for your thoughts on delusion – the editor)