Clerical correction required
July 6, 2023
The Catholic community in Canada needs better leadership. Our bishops, as shepherds of the most vulnerable lambs, have failed to respond to recent events with united and unambiguous statements. Some statements have been made but were open to interpretation and thus inappropriate for the laity. On no occasion have I heard from pulpit or Catholic media a clear defense of the Catholic doctrine in respect of Pride activity. A clear and unambiguous letter from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops could be read from the pulpit to clarify the Catholic position. The word pride, in this context, refers to personal achievement without God's major involvement. It represents one of the seven deadly sins. How many Catholic children are made aware of the seven deadly sins and the virtues when they are not mentioned from the pulpit? We should be mindful that Our Lord was never politically correct and very direct in his teachings.
Peter Vanroon
Guelph, Ont.