Flagging Pride
July 7, 2023
Conflict between religion and the LGBTQIA+ community was going to publicly appear soon enough. In every community there are members who are hidden and others now out and proud of who they are. This community continues to challenge all traditional community and religious attitudes. Catholic Church doctrine welcomes the person but also points out the sin. Reformed Christian Churches firmly oppose the gay lifestyle, while the United church is firmly supportive and accepting. It is Islam (with Christian fundamentalist allies) that will bring the fight to public administrations, school boards and even private board rooms. Islam protects itself, its Quran, its Prophet Muhammed, and Islamic traditions.
I lived in North Africa and saw what hardline religious ideology is capable of, how it views the stranger, those who challenge its precepts, and how it treats and punishes them. Religion often sees the world with a tunnel vision mentality. The Pride Flag represents to many of us a rightful acceptance and respect for the "other" to live freely and lovingly.
Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ont.
(For others, it signals triumphalism – the editor.)