The Catholic Register

Putin’s ploughshares

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

July 8, 2023

    I was troubled by your recent editorial that approved of Prime Minister Trudeau giving millions to Ukraine to “further the war effort.” The money will only help prolong this bloody conflict. Also, there’s a real danger of it escalating into a nuclear war. In fact, many military experts describe the conflict as a proxy war between the U.S.-NATO alliance and Russia. They argue that Ukraine is being used as a tool to attack Russia. As Catholics we shouldn’t be taking sides in this war. We’re called to love both Ukrainians and Russians. It would have been more appropriate to further peace efforts by calling for an end to the war through a negotiated settlement. As Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

    Claudio Ceolin


    (Proxy war? Putin invaded! – the editor.)