The Catholic Register

Maximum Swan

Catholic Register Staff

July 10, 2023

    Once more Michael Swan has proven his worth as a great journalist. In the past he has impressed me with his columns regarding historical, contemporary, spiritual, material, abstract, and objective topics.

    His scientific article “Getting to the heart of the dark matter” in the June 19 Catholic Register blew my mind to the max. I am an engineer and scientist. While dark matter is not in my line of work, I had researched it but never fully understood, it. Swan, in a single page and with simple words clarified any doubt, material and spiritual, that I had.

    No doubt in my mind, he could, at any time, be snatched by the Vatican to work as media counselor to the Pope.

    Jose Paulino Lozada

    Mississauga Ont.

    (Retirement won’t dim his brilliant career – the editor.)