August 31, 2023
Canada’s True North has reported that 83 churches have now been desecrated, vandalized or burned to the ground since the announcement that graves were found near residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia. However, no actual graves have been excavated and no definitive wrong proven. But those who don’t like Catholics and the Catholic Church were given the green light to attack churches and frighten believers. And what has been the response to the destruction from the bishops and the government? Silence.
But Bishop Emeritus Fred Henry asks important and serious questions that ought to be answered. We believe that he is absolutely correct in his call for proof. Proof is needed before we rush to accuse and condemn those who ran residential schools.
We must also keep in mind that residential schools were sponsored by the government of Canada.
As Catholics, we should be demanding to know the truth so that we can go forward towards real peace and reconciliation. Yes, let’s stick to the facts.
Lou Jacobelli
(Fact is the best basis to act - the editor)