October 19, 2023
I detest The Catholic Register. The paper is largely a fraud. A name change to The Register or, even more appropriately, The Anti-Catholic Register could occur without argument. The staff writers laud a pope who borders on the heretical with the current synod, is restructuring the Church in ways that are aligned with the world and against the faith, will ensure its demise, and whose very legitimacy as pope is being questioned.
Then a story comes along like Anna Farrow’s “Beauty Matters” in the Oct. 1 edition.
It has occurred to me that maybe it’s time for a counterrevolution, something like Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan’s “Revolution of the Holy Spirit.” Maybe one foundation to such a movement could be the poetry of Catholicism in Canada. I approached Farrow’s article on the works of Maya Clubine with caution and skepticism, as I do all articles in this…paper. But I was surprised and inspired with Ms. Clubine’s story and works. I should have realized I would be with Anna Farrow as author.
Let’s get our poets teaching workshops in Canadian Catholic poetry. Let’s get our poets writing. Let’s start the Canadian Catholic revolution and begin to reclaim our country from those trying to take it away.
John Killackey
Mississauga, Ont.
(There once was a man named Killackey
Who gave Register staff a good whacking.
Until Farrow he read
Then let it be said:
Killackey now rhymes with backtracking – the Editor)