October 19, 2023
Excerpts from various sources commenting on the terror attack on Israel
What has been said about Hamas attacking Israel
Calgary Bishop William McGrattan’s statement as President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on Oct. 12.
Over these last few days, the world has witnessed a rapid escalation of armed conflict in the Holy Land, with reports of a growing number of wounded or dead, including innocent civilians.
As the Holy Land is immersed in this violence and bloodshed, we remember that Jesus, the Son of God, who lived and walked there as Love Incarnate, through His teaching by word and deed, calls us as brothers and sisters to be always united by the bond of charity.
I invite the Catholic faithful in Canada to join other people of good will, here and around the world, in imploring God to move the hearts of those leaders engaged in the present conflict in order to cease acts of terror, deescalate violence and war, and resume constructive efforts that are aimed at establishing lasting peace and concord. As we pray for peace, let us remember all the families and individuals suffering because of this most recent outbreak of violence.
As Christians we are compelled by the teachings and example of Jesus to pray for peace throughout the world. In a fraternal spirit of solidarity with Christian, Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters, let us join together in recalling God’s desire for peace in the land that Jesus Christ called home.
Pope Francis asks on Oct. 8 for prayers for sustained peace in the Middle East:
“I am following apprehensively and sorrowfully what is happening in Israel where the violence has exploded even more ferociously, causing hundreds of deaths and casualties… I express my closeness to the families and the victims.
“I am praying for them and for all who are living hours of terror and anguish. May the attacks and weaponry cease. Please! And let it be understood that terrorism and war do not lead to any resolutions, but only to the death and suffering of so many innocent people. War is a defeat! Let us pray that there will be peace in Israel and in Palestine.”
Vancouver Archbishop Michael Miller’s Oct. 8 statement on the Hamas attacks on Israel:
“The news about the Hamas incursion into Israel is devastating. The nature of the attack and the taking of hostages — even women and children — is a serious violation not only of international law but, even more importantly, of the moral law that is written in the conscience of every human being. Such an attack must be unequivocally condemned, and our voices raised to the Lord that respect for human life, created in His image, will prevail among all people of good will. I join my prayers to those of the Jewish community who are mourning the deceased.”
Statement by the Global Imams Council published in the Jerusalem Post magazine Oct. 9, condemning Hamas terrorist attacks.
“The Global Imams Council (GIC), headquartered in the Islamic Seminary of Najaf, Iraq, consisting of over 1,470 Muslim imams and scholars from all Islamic denominations and sects condemns in the strongest possible terms the barbaric and terrorist acts committed by Hamas against Jewish, Christian and Muslim civilians in the Jewish state. We express our condolences to the families of the victims and urge the international community, represented by world and faith leaders, to stand with the Jewish people in their struggle against ISIS-like Islamist terrorism carried out by Hamas. The GIC has consistently stood against Hamas, its genocidal antisemitism and annihilationist ideology. Today, we stand once again in solidarity with the Jewish nation during this trying time, and make clear our position….The Global Imams Council, our members and the 800+ communities led by our Imams worldwide, abide by the Fatwa (ruling on a point of Islamic law by a recognized authority) issued against Hamas by The Islamic Fatwa Council on March 9, 2023, charging Hamas with corruption and crimes against humanity; and forbidding Muslims from supporting, donating to, joining or praying for the terrorist organization. ...