The Catholic Register

Same but different

Catholic Register Staff
Catholic Register Staff

January 11, 2024

    I had the recent privilege of speaking with Linda Nicholls, Primate of The Anglican Church of Canada, at her Toronto office.

    The Primate wished for a unity of faith rooted in Christ and all that is common to the faithful, with open hearts and minds to accept those perceived to be different, yet one in the faith and love of their deity. She asked all faiths to work for the common good, to recognize faith in one God, expressed differently. All faiths have members who are different in their beliefs, sexuality, gender, political or social views. Is not religious faith simply the celebration and praise of God in personal and communal fashion? Why bring the rest into it?

    You are what you are while in front of God whether you’re in fashionable clothing or a pair of jeans and loafers. Your weaknesses, addictions, aspirations, desires, fears are all open before God.

    Steven Kaszab

    Bradford, Ont.

    (One holy catholic apostolic Church fits where? – the Editor)