October 10, 2024

Sharing the light

Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo’s elevation to Cardinal this week gives added cause for the celebration of Thanksgiving this weekend. 

Published in Editorial

Archbishop of Toronto Francis Leo woke up at 6:20 a.m. on Oct.6 to a text-tone chorus.

Published in Canada

Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo is among 21 new Cardinals elevated to the College of Cardinals. 

Published in Canada

Archbishop Leo issues his inaugural pastoral letter.

Published in Features

2023 Christmas message from Archbishop Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto.

Published in Christmas

Archbishop Francis Leo presented Papal Honours to six Catholics in the Toronto archdiocese for their faithful service to the Church.

Published in Canada

Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo is all ears and wants to hear from clergy and lay parishioners as he helps craft the next pastoral plan for the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Published in Canada

As Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo was conferred the pallium at a Sept. 29 ceremony at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica, the archbishop promised that he would, like the shepherd, keep watch over his flock and keep them safe.

Published in Canada

Archbishop Francis Leo of Toronto joined 31 other metropolitan archbishops appointed over the past year who received their pallium from Pope Francis after Mass for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29.

Published in Canada

That nice new priest? Turns out it was Archbishop Leo.

Published in Features

I was born and raised in Glasgow and it does not take long for those who hear my Scottish accent to know I am not a native-born Canadian. However, it does cause confusion at times, as I found out when I came upon a man standing outside a downtown shelter. The shelter is in the heart of the drug area, and so I am always prepared for many and varied conversations.  

Published in Register Columnists

Now that Archbishop Francis Leo has assumed the lead for the Archdiocese of Toronto, what can he expect from a typical day? 

Published in Features

When a new bishop is appointed, people naturally ask, “Who is he? Where does he come from? What’s his story? What makes him tick?” said Toronto’s new archbishop at his installation Mass March 25. 

Published in Features

For his own episcopal motto Archbishop Francis Leo adopted the Latin phrase Quodcumque Dixerit Facite (in English: Do whatever He tells you) — words taken from the Gospel according to St. John, by which the Evangelist illustrates the episode known as “the wedding at Cana,” an account steeped in exquisite and profound symbolism, and rich in spiritual and pastoral teachings. 

Published in Features

Installing a new bishop is a very big deal. And every big deal in a Catholic diocese calls for a big liturgy.

Published in Features
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