BANGALORE, India – Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, newly elected president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, expressed "anguish" over increasing threats to pluralism in the country.
Published in International
LONDON, Ont. – A Canadian bishop announced that the Diocese of London, Ontario, would protest new requirements for government grants that require organizations to profess the government’s view on topics like abortion rights and gender identity.
Published in Canada

We live in a country where we are told what to believe, we are pressured to conform, and our religious freedoms are gradually being taken away.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out
A new bill proposed in Iceland that would make circumcision punishable by up to six years in prison is a “dangerous attack” on religious freedom, Cardinal Reinhard Marx has said.
Published in International
Catholic agencies that alter the controversial reproductive rights attestation on the Canada Summer Jobs application will be denied grant money, according to a government spokesperson.
Published in Canada
OTTAWA – A government report on religious discrimination has overlooked Ottawa’s own failings, including its conduct in the Canada Summer Jobs controversy, according to the president of the Catholic Civil Rights League.
Published in Canada
VATICAN – On Sunday Pope Francis announced that Friday the first full week of Lent would be a day of prayer and fasting for peace given the many ongoing conflicts throughout the world, particularly those in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan.
Published in International
There has been some positive news on the global religious freedom front over the last two years, but it is still far from peaceful.
Published in International

Canada’s Catholic bishops say the government’s new Canada Summer Jobs policy infringes on freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

Published in Canada
OTTAWA – Faith-based groups and pro-life organizations are mobilizing to fight a new federal government policy to only give summer job grants to employers who endorse abortion.
Published in Canada

Canada’s former ambassador for religious freedom sees recent punitive changes to Ottawa’s Canada Summer Jobs program as the epitome of anti-faith hostility.

Published in Peter Stockland
KINSHASA, Congo – Congolese church leaders, including the nation's cardinal, condemned security forces' attacks on Catholic protesters that left at least eight dead and 120 people detained.
Published in International
OTTAWA – Religious freedom and conscience rights will continue to be top agenda items for Catholic and other faith groups in 2018 as challenges play out in the courts and in the public arena.
Published in Canada
WASHINGTON, D.C., – A federal court has denied relief to the Archdiocese of Washington, in its request for an injunction that would have allowed it to run metro ads encouraging riders to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
Published in International
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court seemed equally divided in the long-anticipated oral arguments Dec. 5 about the baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his religious beliefs.
Published in International