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November 16, 2007
Politics, cutting costs threaten sanctity of life
{mosimage}TORONTO - A pro-life advocate, Alex Schadenberg, has warned that one of the Catholic faith’s foremost goals, to preserve life, is under threat from the political and medical fronts in Canada.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
November 2, 2007
Million-dollar facelift at Toronto Chinese parish
TORONTO - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church just got a $1-million facelift. In just under one year art restorer Carlos Nunes and his team has restored the downtown Toronto parish to look as it did in 1908, except for a few new additions reflecting the culture of its Chinese congregation.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
November 2, 2007
City honours Providence legacy
{mosimage}TORONTO - Heritage Toronto presented the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto with a French and English plaque commemorating 150 years since founding the former House of Providence, now Providence Healthcare.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
November 2, 2007
Catholics need to show visible faith
{mosimage}TORONTO - In his debut Cardinal’s Dinner speech, Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins called on Catholics to “follow in the footsteps of St. Paul” to discover how to be witnesses of the Gospel in contemporary society.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 19, 2007
Confirmation program lets special needs youth participate
{mosimage}NEWMARKET, Ont. - The archdiocese of Toronto launched its newly revised Confirmation program “Anointed for Mission” this fall.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 19, 2007
St. Bonaventure’s reaches out online
{mosimage}TORONTO - A Franciscan friar has found a creative way to reach out to people sitting outside the pews in front of their computer screens.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 12, 2007
A child's-eye view of God
{mosimage}TORONTO - Students and staff at St. Marcellus Catholic Elementary School celebrated the book launch of Becoming a Child.... while thinking about God! on Sept. 27 in their school auditorium.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 12, 2007
Toronto pilgrims sought for Eucharistic Congress
{mosimage}TORONTO - The archdiocese of Toronto is reaching beyond its parishes to invite all area Catholics to join its pilgrimage to the International Eucharistic Congress in June 2008 in Quebec City.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 5, 2007
John XXIII lecture
{mosimage}TORONTO — Before he called the Second Vatican Council and opened the windows of the church on the world, Pope John XXIII spent the Second World War in Istanbul rescuing Jews from the Holocaust. The director of the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies in Bologna, Italy, is coming to Toronto to talk about the link between these two events in the late pope’s life.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
October 5, 2007
Bureaucratic creativity
{mosimage}TORONTO — Civil servants are not just bureaucrats, and they’ve got a conference to prove it.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA