
Success or failure, God loves us all

  • October 4, 2024

Here are the Bible Book(s)/Chapter(s) to read each day this week. Note that 1 and 2 Maccabees appear in Catholic versions of the Bible.

Day 120 – Sunday, Oct. 6

1 Maccabees Chapters 13-14

Read 1 Maccabees 13:25-30 again. Simon had the sad duty of preparing a monument for his deceased family members. This monument was elaborate and raised high enough to be seen from a distance.

Ask God to guide us on how we can best give honour to our deceased family members.

How can you memorialize your loved ones in such a way that knowledge of the good they did will last for generations?

Day 121 – Monday, Oct. 7

1 Maccabees Chapters 15-16

In 1 Maccabees 15:11-12, we see that Trypho’s soldiers had deserted him.

Read 1 Maccabees 16:4-6 again. What do you notice about what John did to keep his men fighting and loyal to him? 

Ask God to help leaders enjoy loyalty in those around them by serving those they are leading wholeheartedly and responsibly.

How are people responding to the leaders in your life?

Day 122 – Tuesday, Oct. 8

2 Maccabees Chapters 1-3

Read 2 Maccabees 2:14 and 2:19-32.

In today’s reading, we see that the author of 2 Maccabees outlined a purpose and method for putting together the book. In our modern world, the people who gather information about sacred Scripture, translate the texts and then publish them have a great deal of responsibility. They need to make important choices about how to present the Bible to readers today.

Read Matthew 5:19 and 15:8-9 and then ask God to provide Bible scholars, translators, editors and publishing companies with God’s wisdom, knowledge and discernment to produce accurate and understandable translations.

Have you had a chance to look at more than one version of the Bible? What would be the value in reading a passage of Scripture in more than one translation of the original manuscripts which were written in languages used thousands of years ago?

Day 123 – Wednesday, Oct. 9

2 Maccabees Chapters 4-5

We read in 2 Maccabees 4:12-15 that the novelty of Greek culture caused many Jews to stray from worshipping God. For example, working out at the gym became more important than serving at the altar of the Lord.

Ask God to guide us to participate in our culture without getting consumed by it.

What are the trendy activities in our modern world that tempt us away from seeking a closer relationship with God? In your own life, is too much exercise, work or socializing stopping you from spending some quiet time with God each day? 

Day 124 – Thursday, Oct. 10

2 Maccabees Chapters 6-7

Today’s reading is filled with stories of cruelty, persecutions and examples of martyrs who willingly gave up their lives to uphold their faith.

Ask God to protect our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in countries, workplaces or families that are hostile to the faith and to give them the words, thoughts and actions to share Christ’s love with all.

Do you ever spend a little time thinking about all the people in the past who struggled greatly to pass their faith on to us today? When you think of their sacrifice, does this help put into perspective some of the annoyances that you may experience in our faith community?

Day 125 – Friday, Oct. 11

2 Maccabees Chapters 8-9

In 2 Maccabees 9:11-12, we read that Antiochus experienced a conversion after a serious illness broke his arrogant spirit.

Ask God to show us if we have a future ministry in helping people going through the same painful experiences that we have gone through.

Have you experienced serious illness or long periods of personal trials? If so, did you run towards God or run away from God during those times? Have any of these experiences created in you a more compassionate heart towards others?

Day 126 – Saturday, Oct. 12

2 Maccabees Chapters 10-11

Read 2 Maccabees 10:12-13 again.

In this reading, Ptolemy decided to end his life because his corrupt peers no longer respected him.

Ask God to help us to reach out to those who are depressed with the message that God loves everyone, regardless of the number of successes or failures that they have experienced in this world.

What is the purpose of your life? St. Ignatius of Loyola taught that the purpose of human life is to praise, reverence and serve God. Given this teaching, how important are human standards of success?