Meeting Anglican primates, Pope Francis talks about overcoming divisions

Unity within Christian communities and the unity of all the churches will grow only as believers draw closer to Jesus and learn to be honest in examining if they are listening to the Holy Spirit or to their own preferences, Pope Francis told leaders of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Top Vatican cardinal says Pope Francis' reforms will continue

The reform projects launched by Pope Francis -- reforming not just institutions like the Roman Curia, but attitudes and pastoral approaches -- will not be reversed, even though some may take different forms in the future, said Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state.

Film a glimpse of Benedictines via stranger’s eyes

At the heart of the documentary De l’autre côté is the unlikely friendship between the Brazilian-Canadian filmmaker Lessandro Sócrates and the cloistered nuns of the Abbey of Sainte-Marie des Deux-Montagnes, Que.

Dicastery condemns attacks on human dignity

Being a Christian means defending human dignity and that includes opposing abortion, the death penalty, gender transition surgery, war, sexual abuse and human trafficking, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith said in a new document.

Pope Francis meets with family members of Hamas hostages

Eight people united in their anguish carried into the papal library posters bearing the faces of their loved ones who are held in captivity by Hamas.

Pope Francis washes feet of women inmates at Rome prison for Holy Thursday

As Pope Francis poured water over their feet, dried them with a towel and kissed their feet, 12 women inmates at Rome's Rebibbia prison wept.

On Palm Sunday, Pope Francis prays people open hearts to God, quell all hatred

Only Jesus can deliver humanity from hatred and violence, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday."Jesus entered Jerusalem as a humble and peaceful king," he said in brief remarks after celebrating Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square. He prayed that the faithful would open their hearts to the Lord because he alone "can deliver us from animosity, hatred, violence, because he is mercy and the forgiveness of sins."

Vatican court upholds climate activists’ conviction

The Vatican City appeals court upheld the conviction of two Italian climate activists who glued their hands to an ancient sculpture in the Vatican Museums.

CCCB offers Lenten video reflections

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (CCCB) Journey Through Lent video series is back for the second straight year, its third iteration since 2021.

Taking time to reflect on Lent

Lent is greeted by many as a time to curb the unnecessary busyness preventing them from experiencing a spiritual encounter with Jesus Christ.

Pope Francis says document on blessings makes clear that the Gospel is for all

Making a list of which sinners are welcome in the church and which sinners are not goes against the teaching of the Gospel, Pope Francis told an Italian newspaper.