In message to Russian patriarch, Pope Francis prays for end of war in Ukraine

In an Easter message to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, Pope Francis prayed that the Holy Spirit would "transform our hearts and make us true peacemakers, especially for war-torn Ukraine."

Vatican clears Polish Cardinal Dziwisz of abuse cover-up allegations

The Vatican has wrapped up its own investigation and dismissed allegations that Polish Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz had covered up cases of the sexual abuse of minors by clergy in his archdiocese.

Papal preacher on Good Friday: Jesus calls everyone to repent, turn swords into plowshares

Jesus invites everyone to repent and to turn swords into plowshares and missiles into factories and homes, the papal preacher said.

Before washing prisoners' feet, Pope Francis tells them God always forgives

Before washing the feet of 12 inmates, Pope Francis told them and other prisoners that God never tires of forgiving anyone who asks.

Way of the Cross finds hope in family

People following the Stations of the Cross at Rome’s Colosseum this year will find along the Via Dolorosa a message of hope, including with a Russian and Ukrainian family both carrying a cross together at the nighttime ceremony.

Pontifical Academy of Sciences raises alarm about nuclear weapons

Russia's war on Ukraine frighteningly raises the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons, the unleashing of radioactive material from nuclear power plants and a new push to develop or acquire nuclear weapons, including by terrorists, said members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Cardinal: Vatican looking at implications of possible papal visit to Kyiv

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican secretary of state, said it appeared Ukraine could keep Pope Francis safe if he made a wartime trip to Kyiv, but the pope's safety was not the Vatican's only concern.

After two years, Holy Week looking more familiar

Barring a dramatic reversal in pandemic fortune, the vast majority of Canadian Catholics will celebrate Holy Week as they did before COVID-19 infected society two years ago.

Cardinal Turkson to head pontifical academies of sciences, social sciences

Pope Francis has named Cardinal Peter Turkson the new chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, two groups of top-level scholars and experts who promote studies on issues of concern to the Vatican.

Pope Francis indicates he has not spoken directly to Putin about Ukraine war

Once again, Pope Francis avoided speaking directly about Russian President Vladimir Putin and instead focused on condemning war as a cruel and inhumane act that "goes against the human spirit."

German cardinal calls for change in church teaching on homosexuality

HAMBURG, Germany -- Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has called for a change in Catholic teaching on homosexuality, reported the German Catholic news agency KNA.