Our spiritual journey in Easter comes to an end with the celebration of Pentecost Sunday (May 31). Just as most Canadians celebrated the Solemnity of the Resurrection in the absence of our parish communities, most of us are also going to celebrate Pentecost without gathering face-to-face as a community.

Fr. Yaw Acheampong: Facing challenges opens us up to hope


As Christians, we have been on our Lenten journey since Ash Wednesday. This year, it is a journey with unique challenges.

Fr. Yaw Acheampong: Joseph holds special place in Canada


Do you know that St. Joseph, the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is not only the patron saint of the universal Church but also the principal patron saint of Canada?

Bishop Robert Barron: Looking for God in a Reddit world


One of the most popular websites in the world, Reddit, is a forum for all sorts of online conversations and presentations. The AMA (for Ask Me Anything) is a 21st- century version of the medieval quodlibetal questions, during which a game theology professor would entertain any inquiry that came from the floor. 

Fr. Yaw Acheampong: Spiritual journey to Confirmation begins


At the beginning of every academic year, parishes across the Archdiocese of Toronto begin the process of preparing their young parishioners to celebrate Confirmation. It is one of three “sacraments of initiation” — the others being Baptism and Eucharist — that lays the foundations of every Catholic life.

Faith: Special bond unites fraternity of priests


The priests of the Diocese of Hamilton gathered recently for the Mass of Christian Burial for one of our priests, Fr. Philip Sherlock.

Faith: A practical guide to being a follower of Christ


Before I entered the seminary I spent time considering the legal profession. I worked, as part of such discernment, at a law firm where I met some faith-filled individuals who have become lifelong friends. Two of them are a couple, both lawyers, who live in one of Toronto’s comfortable suburbs.

How to keep moving forward in prayer (Part 4 of 4 about prayer)


This is the fourth in a series of four columns by Fr. Frank Freitas about prayer and praying. (Here's part 1, part 2 and part 3)

Drop off your baggage with prayer (Part 3 of 4 about prayer)


This is the third in a series of four columns by Fr. Frank Freitas about prayer and praying. (Here's part 1, part 2 and part 4)

Prayer requires a sharp focus (Part 2 of 4 about prayer)


This is the second in a series of four columns by Fr. Frank Freitas about praying and prayer. (Here's part 1, part 3 and part 4)

‘Teach me to pray’ (Part 1 of 4 about prayer)


This is the first in a series of four columns by Fr. Frank Freitas about prayer and praying. (Here's part 2, part 3 and part 4)