
Gift of the Holy Spirit connects people to Christ, Pope Francis says at audience

VATICAN CITY -- Every Christian is unique because the Holy Spirit inspires something new and original in each person, creating "an endless field of holiness," Pope Francis said.

  • March 17, 2021

Cleanse your hearts of anger, live the Gospel, Pope Francis says at Mass in Irbil

IRBIL, Iraq -- Having witnessed or even experienced persecution for their faith, the Christians of Iraq must be careful not to harbor thoughts of revenge, Pope Francis told them.

  • March 8, 2021

Living the beatitudes can change the world, Pope Francis says in Iraq

BAGHDAD -- Pope Francis told Iraqi Christians that when they suffer discrimination, persecution or war, the Eight Beatitudes are addressed to them.

  • March 7, 2021

Pope Francis: For Lent, read the Gospel, fast from gossip

VATICAN CITY -- People should fast from gossiping and spreading hearsay as part of their Lenten journey, Pope Francis said.

  • March 1, 2021

Fight temptation with faith, prayer, penance, Pope Francis says at Angelus

VATICAN CITY -- Christians must never engage in dialogue with the devil, but instead must fight against temptations with the same spiritual weapons Jesus used in the desert, Pope Francis said.

  • February 23, 2021

Christianity without liturgy is absent of Christ, Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- The liturgy is not a spectacle to be observed but a prayerful event where Christians encounter Christ's presence in their lives, Pope Francis said.

  • February 3, 2021

Every call of God is a call of love, Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- When a person senses God's call, it can be intimidating or frightening, Pope Francis said, but Christians can be sure that the call flows from God's love and that responding to the call will be a means of sharing God's love.

  • January 18, 2021

Christians lift others up by listening, sharing God's love, Pope Francis says

VATICAN CITY -- Christians are called to lead and lift people up by being close to them and sharing God's love, not by judging them, Pope Francis said.

  • January 11, 2021

Like the Magi, look to the heavens for hope, Pope Francis says on Epiphany

In times of doubt and suffering, Christians must not focus on their problems, but instead lift up their eyes to God, who leads them toward the hopeful promise of great things to come, Pope Francis said on the feast of the Epiphany.

  • January 6, 2021

Pope Francis: Christ's human condition a sign of God's love

By taking on the frail human condition, God showed his love for humanity and his desire to share in people's joys and sufferings, Pope Francis said.

  • January 4, 2021