Liberty Counsel, a Christian legal group, announced that a settlement it called historic has been reached with an Illinois hospital system over denying its employees a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Published in International

It’s unclear as to whether an Ontario nurse who received a religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccination based on Catholic faith will set a precedent for others arguing on similar grounds. 

Published in Canada

Pews packed with mask-free churchgoers of all ages; communal singing; parish halls buzzing with conversation as the coffee brews. 

Published in Canada

Government mandates that interfere with, or eliminate the ability of, the faithful to gather for Holy Mass are certainly not new. But has it ever been required to provide proof of a medical treatment to enter a church?

Published in Canada

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Supreme Court announced Jan. 14 it would hear an appeal from a former high school football coach in Washington state who says his rights to freedom of speech and religion were violated when he was fired in 2015 for praying on the football field after team games.

Published in International

In the weeks since Quebec’s indoor Mass ban took effect, some Catholics are making do by embracing the outdoor religious celebrations available to them.

Published in Canada

The small but agitated crowd at the front steps of the Catholic Centre in downtown Montreal mistook me for their saviour.

Published in Peter Stockland

As of Dec. 20, anyone entering a place of worship in Quebec will be required to show their vaccination status.

Published in Canada

Parishes across Canada have the green light to open their doors to more parishioners celebrating the birth of Christ than was allowed last year.

Published in Canada

In Judeo-Christian terms we speak about the notion of abetting evil. A Catholic doctor will not only refuse to perform euthanasia but will not refer the patient to someone who will. The referral is a form of abetting evil; paving the way for the act to happen.

Published in Charles Lewis

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -- Sri Lankan churches once again have halted services, church weddings and Sunday schools due to a third wave of COVID-19 infections.

Published in International

The power of prayer is being marshalled across Canada to call out abuse of power by China’s Communist Party in a national, ecumenical Zoom liturgy scheduled for March 21.

Published in Canada

The Archdiocese of Toronto has come to the defence of a man who drew complaints to police for comments he made concerning a proposal to fly the gay pride flag to recognize June’s “Pride Month” at Toronto Catholic schools.

Published in Canada

As Quebec movie theatres welcome up to 250 patrons as pandemic protocols begin to loosen, churches remain limited to only 10 people — including the presiding priest — at worship services.

Published in Canada

The House of Representatives passed the Equality Act in a 224-206 vote Feb. 25.

Published in International
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