VATICAN – Forgiving those who have caused pain or offense is not easy, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith

Rome in June is notoriously hot. But Rome in June wearing a wedding veil is even hotter.

Published in Guest Columns

VATICAN CITY – Christians always have hope, no matter how bleak, bad or uncertain the journey, because they know God is always by their side, Pope Francis said.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – A cute moment was captured on camera Wednesday, as a 3-year-old girl “stole” Pope Francis’ zucchetto – or skull cap – at the papal general audience.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis greeted and blessed a group of pilgrims from China who broke protocol and approached him during the Wednesday general audience.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – Employers who make business deals that threaten people's livelihood commit a sin that robs men, women and their families of their dignity, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

ROME – Pope Francis warned thousands of pilgrims to be wary of criminals seeking to sell tickets to his weekly Vatican audience, which is always free.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – The following is the text from Pope Francis’ general audience at the Vatican Oct. 5.

Published in Faith

The following is the text from Pope Benedict XVI's final general audience at the Vatican Feb. 27.

Published in International