John Paul II film released on DVD

By  Vanessa Bertone, The Catholic Register
  • December 7, 2006
The late Pope John Paul II is brought to life with the DVD release of the two-part mini-series aired on CBC this past summer, entitled Karol, A Man Who Became Pope and Karol: The Pope, The Man.
{amazon id='B000FOPZZ6' align='right'}Part one, released in 2005, follows Karol Wojtyla as an 18-year-old-boy ready to become an actor and writer when his world is turned around by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland. It tracks his escape from Krakow, to the creation of his underground theatre, to his decision to become a priest.

Part two, released earlier this year, shows Wojtyla's struggle to face the communists in Poland and how he shook the hold of communism on his country, which eventually led him to Rome and to become pope.

"The movie impacted me... it was very emotional and very touching. It touches on the relevant issues in our society, such as the pro-life movement," said Fr. Marian Gil, CEO of Catholic Youth Studios.

Catholic Youth Studios plans to screen the film at theatres across Canada, with the premiere on March 31, 2007, said Gil.

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