Catholics should be guided by mercy, not fear, in the wake of the Paris terror attack, said Hamilton Bishop Douglas Crosby three days after co-ordinated terrorist attacks killed at least 129 and sent 415 people to hospital.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Faith groups from across Canada are calling on Canada’s new government to focus on palliative care instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

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The Catholic fight to keep doctors from administering lethal drugs to patients who say they want to die continues as the deadline nears for a Supreme Court of Canada mandate that physician-assisted suicide become legal as of Feb. 6, 2016.

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OTTAWA - Canada’s Catholic bishops have issued a plea for “urgent action” to meet the unprecedented needs of refugees fleeing war, persecution, natural disasters and the effects of climate.

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OTTAWA - Archbishop Paul-André Durocher, in one of his last duties as president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, has asked the prime minister to use his influence with Israel to prevent its security wall from cutting off Palestinian families from their farmland.

Published in International

OTTAWA - When Canada’s Catholic bishops gather for their annual plenary Sept. 14-17, a lengthy period of restructuring will come to an end with a change in how the conference is financed.

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OTTAWA- Bishop Raymond Poisson has been named by Pope Francis as new bishop of the Joliette diocese in Quebec.

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OTTAWA - As the world reacted with horror Sept. 3 to the picture of a drowned little migrant boy, Canada’s bishops published a social justice document pleading for generosity.

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MONTREAL - Montreal's cardinal of the people, Archbishop Emeritus Jean-Claude Turcotte, is dead.

The popular cardinal, who served as Montreal's archbishop for 22 years, died April 8 in Montreal’s Marie-Clarac Hospital.

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MONTREAL - A Catholic deacon who was arrested with more than 100,000 pornographic pictures of children was sentenced Mar. 24 to two years less a day in prison.

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OTTAWA - The Canadian bishops’ doctrine commission, in a new booklet, is stressing the role of all Catholics in the new evangelization.

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OTTAWA - Canada's Catholic bishops examine the church's connection with other Christian churches in a document marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's decree on ecumenism.

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The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops may have to re-fight a battle with the federal government over the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

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BEAUPRÉ, QUE. - The mission of the Church in North American is to go “con-cretely to places on the periphery,” Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega told Canada’s bishops on Sept. 16.

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BEAUPRÉ, QUE. - Canada's bishops will launch a national campaign this fall to combat a push in Canada to legalize euthanasia.

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