New casting of Schmalz immigration artwork unveiled

WASHINGTON -- A new casting of a 3.5-ton bronze sculpture commissioned by the Vatican has made a temporary stop in Washington before it eventually finds a permanent home there.

Murals help artist reconcile a difficult past

Through a commission to paint murals at three Catholic schools, Indigenous artist Ryan Willert has been able to find his own healing and reconciliation with the Catholic community.

Netflix's 'Cuties': Exploration of immigrant experience or child exploitation?

NEW YORK -- Controversy has surrounded the airing on Netflix of the French film "Cuties" ("Mignonnes").

Podcast aims at Catholic authenticity

Several years ago, Lance Rosen was striving to identify a Catholic podcast that would truly speak to him. 

Faith is Quebec filmmaker’s 'Destination'

Though he grew up in a religious household in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), West Africa, it was in 2009, at age 26, when Hermann Boya sanctified his bond with God by entering into the Catholic faith.

Catholic poet, artist put spotlight on COVID

Patria and Joe Rivera met the challenge of day-to-day life during a pandemic by pouring their energies into creative pursuits. 

Book on Catholic parenting a real family affair

“How did you do it? How did you raise kids who are passionate about their faith and have the heart of a missionary?”

Showing the beauty in Fatima’s truth

When Mary steps out of the blinding light of the sun and into view for three children who have broken away from watching over a few sheep to pray the rosary, she isn’t surrounded by angels. No trumpets blare. Before the musical score rises to support this moment in the new film Fatima, there are crickets and birdsong and distant bleats of sheep. Mary is surrounded by hills, trees, fields and blue sky.

Choir won’t be silenced

Although choir services have been suspended since March due to the coronavirus pandemic, for the students and staff at St. Michael’s Choir School, the music has not been silenced.

Making art fit the universal Church

Catholic artist Timothy Schmalz knows his Church is a universal one, welcoming to all. It’s just not something you might easily recognize with the traditional art forms that celebrate the faith.

ShareMusic event celebrates ShareLife agencies

The talents of Toronto-area Catholic musicians are being harnessed to celebrate the works of ShareLife agencies and their efforts to support those in need.