2019 10 03 CalltoServiceBanner

Deacon Alex D’Silva has made an impression on those surrounding him since beginning his path to the priesthood at St. Augustine’s Seminary in 2015.

A musician honours his gift from God


When Sean Kelly is not on stage ripping away on the guitar in front of thousands of fans, you can find him in a classroom with his students or at home with his wife and two young sons.

Age is no barrier for young trailblazer


At just 10 years old Lauren Cutaia is already making an impact on her community, using her passion for creating jewelry to support the less fortunate.

Sister has waged two-decade battle against human trafficking


It has been nearly a decade since Sr. Nancy Brown was named a 2012 Order of British Columbia recipient in recognition of her dogged advocacy on behalf of youth and young people at risk of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Priest awarded Meritorious Service Medal for bringing eyecare to developing nations


For over 20 years, Canadian priest Fr. Pierre Labine has been bringing the gift of sight to people in need all over the world.

Two-year posting now seven, and counting


Denise and Joshua Grimard and their children were away visiting family when they received word that their community of Telegraph Creek in the northern British Columbia interior was among the communities decimated by raging wildfires that swept over the province in August 2018.

Support group offers solace in time of pain


SURREY, B.C. -- Doriano and Patricia Baisi’s eldest daughter Jenny was the kind of person you’d find first in line if you mentioned you needed some help.

‘Internal whisper’ draws 47-year-old to priesthood


Becoming a priest at age 47 is a day Fr. Chad Franklin won’t soon forget.

CWL council earns premier’s award


The Notre Dame de Lorette Council of The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) has been honoured by the province of Manitoba with the Premier’s Volunteer Service Award.

Student trustee rolls out welcome mat for all


Student trustee Julia Vo wants every student to know they belong.

Sharing God’s love with the world


On the spring morning of Saturday,  May 8, 2004, I was ordained a priest. Just after the spirit-filled and joyful ceremony at St. Michael’s Cathedral, the Director of Priest Personnel gave me my letter of appointment from the archbishop. The letter reminded me of the motto that my classmates had chosen for our ordination: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21). After a few weeks of vacation, I reported to my pastor at St. Rose of Lima Parish on Canada Day to begin my new faith journey.