The legacies of late Tragically Hip frontman Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack, an Anishnawbe boy who never came home from residential school, are helping to transform Catholic education for the better.

This month we will celebrate Catholic Education Week, a time for the community to recognize the importance of Catholic education in our province, where more than 500,000 students attend 1,135 elementary schools and 219 secondary schools encompassing 29 Catholic school boards.

As First Communion approaches for the St. Demetrius Catholic School community, many members who had fled Ukraine and its war found themselves in need of more than sacramental nourishment.

Born into the Church, she balanced faith with social justice

That nice new priest? Turns out it was Archbishop Leo.

Alberta town innovates by re-purposing IGA as its new spiritual home

Now that Archbishop Francis Leo has assumed the lead for the Archdiocese of Toronto, what can he expect from a typical day? 

When a new bishop is appointed, people naturally ask, “Who is he? Where does he come from? What’s his story? What makes him tick?” said Toronto’s new archbishop at his installation Mass March 25. 

For his own episcopal motto Archbishop Francis Leo adopted the Latin phrase Quodcumque Dixerit Facite (in English: Do whatever He tells you) — words taken from the Gospel according to St. John, by which the Evangelist illustrates the episode known as “the wedding at Cana,” an account steeped in exquisite and profound symbolism, and rich in spiritual and pastoral teachings. 

Installing a new bishop is a very big deal. And every big deal in a Catholic diocese calls for a big liturgy.