
Emotion filled the eyes of Kathryn Oswin-Groh and Michelle Perkins-Ball throughout their joint interview with The Catholic Register as the educators at Toronto’s St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School shared how they have become better people because of the school’s annual Share Christmas community outreach campaign, a tradition.  

Cody Fajardo’s winning formula


Underdog, Catholic, champion… with a ‘sprinkle of Jesus’

1,000,000 coats and counting


Knights of Columbus hit milestone in keeping kids warm

Wrestling with their faith


Jordan and Tammy Peterson carve out their own path on journey to truth

Understanding your options for final resting


Planning your final arrangements can be a time to reflect on a well-lived life and decide how your faith will define your everlasting resting spot.

Assumption benefactor brings faiths together


Educator and philanthropist Dr. Dan Andreae has been a friend and champion of Assumption University in Windsor, Ont., for more than 15 years.

A donation to ShareLife invests in people


In 1988, the Rose of Durham opened its doors to assist young parents in the Durham Region. What was initially planned to be nothing more than a residential home for young women has turned into a dedicated support hub for all young parents and their children throughout the region.

Shepherd’s Trust helps those who were always there for others


Msgr. James Hannah knows the most important part of ministry: listening to people’s experiences. 

Daily TV Mass comfort draws legacy donors


Though Deacon Mike Walsh always tells people “that the Daily TV Mass is not a replacement for going to the parish,” he cherishes that so many people view these liturgical broadcasts as a source of unfailing comfort and spiritual nourishment.

What’s in a name? As it turns out, a lot


It seems easy and straightforward when you make out your Will: you divide your assets between family, charitable causes and other beneficiaries and all is said and done. Your final wishes are now in writing and detailed for those who survive you.

Recent developments in Ontario regarding Wills


Most people in Ontario have a generalized familiarity with the concept of a Last Will and Testament (or “Will”, for short).