VANCOUVER – Vancouver College religion teacher Greg Van Dyk is always looking for new ways to teach the faith. So when he took a course at St. Mark’s College that compared mortal and venial sin to a broken bone versus a fracture, he knew he had something he could use.

New site helps students make right connections, reconnect with Catholic faith


Going to university often means leaving home and friends behind, but it doesn’t have to mean parting ways with your Catholic faith.

Brescia's first Fulbright scholar exploring unique Arctic Council


Andrew Chater understands he is going where no Brescia University College faculty has ever gone before, and it’s a challenge he is welcoming.

Political passion looks for a place on campus


For most Catholics on the greyer side of the generation divide, student politics today definitely isn’t what it used to be.

Regina's Mother Teresa Middle School built to change lives


From roots planted in the troubled North-Central neighbourhood of Regina has blossomed a unique group of youth who are making strides to break the cycle of poverty that is their everyday reality.

The Register Archives: Mother Teresa offers lesson for teachers


St. Mother Teresa died Sept. 5, 1997 at age 87 after a lifetime of work with the poor in India. The founder of the Missionaries of Charity made several visits to Canada over the years and, in 1988, also recorded a message for the 100th anniversary of the Edmonton Catholic Schools. Here’s that message as reprinted in the pages of The Register after her death 21 years ago.

A mix of emotions as students begin first year of high school


Dorina Vadasz frankly admits, “I’m nervous. I don’t know anybody.” Mireya Salas’s older sister told her that high school is “horrible.” Dante Dominguez figures he will be happy with a B, but claims he will “try for the A.” Marie Attica is looking forward to starting a high school athletic career in soccer.

New president building blueprint for success at University of St. Michael's College


Construction crews have been busy completing a $4-million renovation of 80-year-old Brennan Hall in the centre of the University of St. Michael’sCollege, but there’s more to what’s happening on campus than the crack of hammers and the whirr of electric drills, insists the college’s new president.

Teachers are equipped with tools to better evangelize their students


It is impossible to teach about faith to students if the teachers themselves are not formed in the Catholic faith, says education consultant Patricia Dal Ben.

Indigenous elders take their knowledge to schools


EDMONTON – Betty Letendre recalls a time when Indigenous elders didn’t want to come into Edmonton, feeling tired of the discrimination and misconceptions that they faced on a daily basis. 

Ontario bishops strike chord in pastoral letter on Catholic education


In 1989 Ontario’s Catholic bishops issued a pastoral letter, “This Moment of Promise,” in the wake of legislation to fully fund the province’s Catholic school system. The document set the groundwork for Catholic education in a new era and was followed in 1993 by a pastoral letter titled “Fulfilling the Promise.” Now, 31 years after the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the constitutional legitimacy of full funding of Catholic education, the bishops have issued a third pastoral letter.