Young teenage girls on their phones regularly put themselves at risk for sexual exploitation and sex trafficking, but those risks decrease for teens whose parents talk to them about avoiding strangers online, a new Ipsos study for Covenant House has found.

Published in Canada

During a recent speech, French President Emmanuel Macron made a statement that hit a nerve with moms around the world. 

Published in Register Columnists

Eric Bundgard has some sage advice for everyone: you know death is a reality we will all face, so be prepared for when it occurs.

Published in Estate Planning

In my short lifetime, I have already seen three popes preside as the head of our Church. 

Published in YSN: Speaking Out
VATICAN – In his prayer video for June, Pope Francis asked that digital communications and social media platforms would be a place of inclusion and encounter, rather than isolation and “alienation.”
Published in Faith

On Ash Wednesday I gave up Facebook. I wanted to give up something that had been part of my daily life for years and that I thought I would miss once cut off.

Published in Charles Lewis
VATICAN – As the pre-synod gathering on youth approaches, Vatican organizers are inviting young people around the globe to join in the discussion through Facebook groups in six different languages.
Published in Vatican
VATICAN CITY - As the Catholic Church prepares to welcome youths from around the world to a preparatory meeting for the Synod of Bishops on youth, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri said the Church is using every means of communication available to listen to young people from all walks of life.
Published in Youth Speak News - YSN

There is something seriously laughable, but also laughably serious, about former Facebook bosses bemoaning the global damage caused by social media giants.

Published in Peter Stockland

Fr. Darryl Millette is one social media savvy priest. He podcasts his homilies, has over 3,000 followers on Twitter and extends his ministry through a cleverly named blog — Saskapriest.

Published in Call to Service

QUEBEC CITY – Social media can be difficult to navigate, but Catholics can reach out with a content-savvy approach that can truly engage people, young social media professionals told Catholic media leaders on Thursday.

Published in Faith

Sharing school memories — 140 characters at a time — has proven to be great way to celebrate Catholic Education Week for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.

Published in Catholic Education

WASHINGTON – Ash Wednesday seems to offer contradictory messages. The Gospel reading for the day is about not doing public acts of piety but the very act of getting ashes – and walking around with them – is pretty public.

Published in Faith

For centuries during Lent, Christians have sought to grow closer to God through praying, fasting and giving to the poor.

Published in Faith

ABUJA, Nigeria – For one Catholic bishop in Nigeria, social media and family life are two keys for evangelization and sharing the values of the Catholic Church.

Published in International
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