NEW YORK - Seeing New York for the first time in his 78 years of life, Pope Francis said he knew Madison Square Garden was an important gathering place for sporting events and concerts. For him, it was transformed into a chapel in the heart of the Big Apple.

Pope at 9/11 Memorial: Violence is never impersonal, always brings tears


NEW YORK - Honoring both the pain and the strength of the families of those who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11 and drawing on the pools of water that are part of the site's memorial, Pope Francis spoke about tears and quenching the world's longing for peace."The water we see flowing toward that empty pit remind us of all those lives" lost in 2001, he said. "The flowing water is also a symbol of our tears. Tears at so much devastation and ruin, past and present."

Pope can open United States to a broad range of justice work


NEW YORK - The Pope’’s tour of the United States has the power to re-engage Catholics in a broad range of work for justice and to rediscover a broader, more Catholic perspective, Kate Bini said shortly after Pope Francis’ address to the United Nations.

Pope’s inspiration hits New York streets


NEW YORK - In two days Pope Francis has spoken to some of the most powerful people on Earth —– U.S. senators and Congress representatives and the world diplomatic community at the United Nations.

Power must not be wielded by the few, Pope tells UN


NEW YORK - Pope Francis has come to the powerful to demand limits on power. He came to open a session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Sept. 25, to speak to the world’s diplomatic elite and the powerful forces they represent on behalf of the “victims of power badly exercised.”

New York goes crazy in a papal sort of way


It’’s actually hard to gather a sense of how New Yorkers are responding to Pope Francis. Out on the street, it seems like there are no native New Yorkers. Everybody is either a tourist or part of a visiting TV crew, filing their own reports on how New Yorkers are greeting Pope Francis.

At New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Pope embraces nuns once under Vatican fire


NEW YORK - In a grand yet intimate prayer service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Sept. 24, Pope Francis exhorted the priests and women religious who filled the sanctuary to redouble their sacrifices on behalf of the faithful, but he reserved his greatest praise for American nuns who have often been viewed by Rome with deep suspicion.

Pope's visit to Catholic Charities meal seen as sign of hope for the poor


WASHINGTON - Benedict Zama looked out from her table and Pope Francis was coming toward her moments after he arrived at the St. Maria's Meal program of Catholic Charities of the Washington Archdiocese.

'No justification whatsoever' for lack of housing, Pope says


WASHINGTON - "We can find no social or moral justification, no justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing," Pope Francis told an audience of about 200 clients of Catholic Charities gathered at St. Patrick Church.

‘Pope is hope’ to New York Latinos


NEW YORK - Pope Francis’ appeal to Congress on behalf of migrants has heartened New Yorkers, none more so that Franciscan Father Julian Jagudilla, director of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi’s Migrant Centre.

Pope tells U.S. Congress to stop bickering, world needs your help


WASHINGTON - The past, the promise and the potential of the United States must not be smothered by bickering and even hatred at a time when the American people and indeed the world need a helping hand, Pope Francis told the U.S. Congress.