The journey to the Easter Sunday signing in Kamloops of a sacred covenant between the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (Kamloops First Nation) and Catholic bishops from Vancouver and Kamloops took several years, and it was the efforts of two men that began the process, say Kamloops Chief Rosanne Casimir and Vancouver Archbishop J. Michael Miller.

Reconciliation’s two-way street: First, with yourself; then the other


At the Easter signing of a Sacred Covenant between the Kamloops First Nation and two Catholic bishops, Vancouver Archbishop Michael Miller quoted former Chief Manny Jules: “One cannot reconcile without the other.”

Looking beyond the stars


As both an astronomer and a Jesuit, Br. Guy Consolmagno recognizes the relationship between science and religion.

Friars' Essay Contest 2024 winners


Three Toronto area students have been named winners of the 2024 Friars Student Essay Writing Contest. 

Peterson finds her new home in Mary


Cancer survivor and Canadian podcaster Tammy Peterson has chosen the confirmation name of “Mary” and says she feels like a new woman in Christ.

CCCB message for Easter 2024


The celebration of Easter is the time when we as Christians renew our baptismal promises. It is through the life-giving death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are united with Him. Easter takes us beyond the Cross of sorrow and disappointment to the joy and hope that comes from knowing the Risen Lord. This experience of Christ transformed the disciples.

Tammy Peterson’s homecoming: Popular podcaster welcomed into the Catholic Church


In her journey towards the Catholic Church, cancer survivor, speaker and popular podcaster Tammy Peterson has endured her own cross of debilitating illness and loss. Four years ago, she was granted the miracle of healing from terminal cancer and received the grace of inner conversion.

France pilgrims discover a world of difference


What is the difference between a traveller and a pilgrim?

Christ’s Passion through the eyes of a child


St. Ignatius Parish prepared its youth for Easter in what is becoming an annual tradition at the Winnipeg parish.

On Good Friday, St. Ignatius was hosting its second Children’s Way of the Cross — an event run by and for kids. It’s an interactive and family-oriented experience that engages kids in the traditional observance of the Stations of the Cross. 

Parish’s passion comes to play


In 2023, a company of cast and crew produced the musical passion play The Power of the Cross they hoped would uplift and unify the congregation of St. Padre Pio Parish in Kleinberg, Ont., following the long years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It proved a smashing success, as nearly 700 people attended the evening showing on Palm Sunday, and more than $30,000 was raised for the church. 

Easter Drawing Contest 2024 winners


This year, The Catholic Register received almost 100 entries to our Easter drawing celebration for school children, including one all the way from Melbourne, Australia.