OTTAWA - Jean-Noel Cormier got his first glimpse of poverty — and felt an urge to help — in his childhood in Bouctouche, New Brunswick.

Ordinandi found peace in God


TORONTO - For Joshua Roldan, true peace is only found in the Lord.

Soon-to-be priest finds it’s never too late


TORONTO - Paul Finn, 53, can’t point to that one moment that compelled him to study for the priesthood.

Serra president makes a point of giving back


TORONTO - John Marcus “Tomi” Asenuga believes the talents we have should be used to spread goodwill amongst our neighbours — and help the Church.

Mother Teresa encouraged Mercy Ships founders


Since 2007 hundreds of Canadians have left friends, family and jobs to volunteer aboard the hospital ship Africa Mercy.

Where have all the brothers gone?


TORONTO - The thinnest section of the Canadian Catholic Church Directory is the five pages of “Religious Orders of Brothers.”

Holy Land history, of the past and in the making


JERUSALEM - Quietly the men in brown robes mingle with tourists and pilgrims alike. For more than seven centuries, the Franciscans have kept watch on behalf of the Church for more than 50 sites in the Holy Land — 90 per cent of the identified holy places.

Pilgrimage seeks to bring the Irish back to Ireland


WASHINGTON - An organization called World- Priest is offering a pilgrimage for priests and their parishioners and friends from around the world to experience the cultural heritage and spirituality of the Emerald Isle as part of “Gathering Ireland 2013.”

Sacred ground at Guelph’s Ignatius Jesuit Centre


GUELPH, ONT. - The Ignatius Jesuit Centre startles the newcomer with its beauty and a sense of peace. The dozens of activities taking place seem to rise from the land itself, purposeful, harmonious and deeply satisfying.

Our wounds show us that we need God


TORONTO - Can a wound be beautiful? According to the late priest and Catholic writer Henri Nouwen, it can.

Manoir d’Youville a place to disengage from the world


CHATEAUGUAY, QUE. - Since the nuns who owned the property until recently didn’t care for directional road signs, you may have to stop for directions on the way to Manoir D’Youville on the St. Lawrence’s south shore, just southwest of Montreal.