VATICAN CITY – On Sunday Pope Francis reflected on the May 13 canonization of the child visionaries St. Francisco and Jacinta Marto, saying that their faithfulness, despite their young age, reminds us to pay special attention to children in the ministry of the Church.

Published in Faith

Missed our coverage of Pope Francis' trip to Fatima for the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions? Click here to check them out.

Published in Features

Dorothy Day is alleged to have said: “Don’t call me a saint; I don’t want to be dismissed that easily!”

Published in Fr. Ron Rolheiser

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis will declare the sainthood of Blessed Jacinta Marto and Blessed Francisco Marto, two of the shepherd children who saw Mary in Fatima, Portugal, during his visit to the site of the apparitions May 13.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis and cardinals present in Rome will formally approve the canonizations of two of the children who saw Mary in Fatima, a large group of Brazilian martyrs, three child martyrs from Mexico and two priests.

Published in Vatican

ROME – While documentation regarding an alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Oscar Romero is being studied at the Vatican, there is no date scheduled for his canonization, the archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador, said.

Published in Faith

Pope Francis on Sunday canonized seven new Saints including Argentina's “gaucho priest'' Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – The seven new saints of the church were holy not because of their own efforts but because of "the Lord who triumphs in them and with them," Pope Francis said.

Published in Vatican

Pope Francis on Sunday (Sept. 4) celebrated the Rite of Canonization for Mother Teresa of Calcutta, at a Solemn Mass offered in St Peter’s Square.

Published in Reflections

On Sept. 4, Pope Francis canonized Teresa of Caluctta in St. Peter's Square at the vatican. Below are a collection of stories The Catholic Register's coverage of Mother Teresa and her road to sainthood.

Published in Features

CALCUTTA, India – At Shishu Bhavan, children, the destitute, Missionaries of Charity nuns and novices sat silently, glued to the TV screen for the live telecast of the Vatican canonization ceremony of Mother Teresa.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – With a large tapestry bearing the portrait of the woman known as the "Saint of the Gutters" suspended above him, Pope Francis proclaimed the sainthood of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, hailing her courage and love for the poor.

Published in Faith

Mother Teresa isn’t a saint because she ran a good clinic or organized an effective religious order or articulated novel theological insights. She becomes St. Teresa of Calcutta on Sept. 4 because she broke into our lives and stole our hearts.

Published in Features

CALCUTTA, India – A favourite motto of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was: “Do small things with great love.”

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – A personal encounter with Mother Teresa and her work serving the poor and the dying led a young Japanese man on a journey of faith and conversion.

Published in Faith