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June 5, 2007
Women’s ordinations not connected to church
TORONTO - The Roman Catholic Church in Toronto says an ordination ceremony held May 27 by a group that calls itself “Roman Catholic Womenpriests” has “no connection whatsoever to the Roman Catholic Church.”
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
{mosimage}TORONTO - The archdiocese of Toronto has approved a new cultural heritage program, one of the first of its kind in North America.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 25, 2007
Providence Healthcare still caring 150 years later
{mosimage}TORONTO - The next 150 years probably won’t be like the last 150, but Providence Healthcare wants some things to remain the same.
“We would love to be able to provide compassionate, quality care for the next 150 years,” said Providence Health Care spokeswoman Rosemary MacGilchrist.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 22, 2007
Six called to serve God’s people
{mosimage}TORONTO - Six men were ordained to the priesthood at St. Michael’s Cathedral May 12 for service in the archdiocese of Toronto.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 22, 2007
Toronto CWL aims to bring prayer back into schools
{mosimage}TORONTO - The Toronto archdiocesan council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada passed a resolution calling for the restoration of prayer in all schools at its 86th annual convention held May 8 and 9.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 22, 2007
Fund launched for accident victim’s family
MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — A fund has been created to help the family of John Pham, the 10-year-old St. Alfred School student who was killed in a school bus accident on April 11. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board started the John Pham Memorial Fund to assist in covering funeral costs and getting the family back on its feet.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 22, 2007
CLC leader to speak at Our Lady of Lourdes
TORONTO — The sodalities of Our Lady which Jesuits earnestly planted in parishes and Catholic schools all around the world never died. The sodalities had dominated 19th- and early 20th-century Catholic piety. They re-emerged in 1953 as the Christian Life Community, or CLC.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 14, 2007
Newest Catholics called to spread Christ’s light
{mosimage}TORONTO - Family and friends packed St. Michael’s Cathedral May 2 to support their loved ones who have been recently baptized and/or confirmed with the Catholic faith.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
May 13, 2007
Nouwen writings subject of reflection
TORONTO - L’Arche Toronto is holding a reflection series based on the writings of the late Henri Nouwen. Seeds of Hope will be held at The Gathering Place on May 26. The reflection series is based on the former L’Arche Daybreak pastor Nouwen’s writings. The topic is “Human Vulnerability and Spiritual Growth.”
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA
April 30, 2007
Same job, new name
TORONTO - Pastoral care in Ontario’s Catholic high schools is now on the right side of canon law. School chaplains are now called Co-ordinators of School Chaplaincy Services. The Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops came up with the new name after consulting with the Catholic School Chaplains of Ontario. Canon 564 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law defines a chaplain as a priest. Since almost no school chaplains in Ontario are ordained, the bishops wanted a new title for the job prior to issuing a statement concerning pastoral care in the schools later this year.
Published in
Canada: Toronto-GTA