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Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register

A spirit of gratitude radiated out of Toronto's new Cardinal Francis Leo — as vivid as the red cassock adorning him — as he entered a Dec. 7 reception at the Spazio Vittoria event space several hours after being elevated to the College of Cardinals.

Standing in communion alongside brother bishops from Argentina, Ecuador, Iran, Serbia and a rich assemblage of other nations, Toronto's Archbishop Francis Leo was elevated to the College of Cardinals at St. Peter’s Basilica today.

In the presence of cardinals, bishops, priests, laity, colleagues, friends and family, Cardinal-elect Leo pledged a Dec. 6 welcome reception and dinner for the Canadian delegation to live up to the vows he will take at the Papal Consistory on Dec. 7. 

December 6, 2024

The places you'll go!

Discounting the brief wave and greeting I directed to Toronto Archbishop Francis Leo when I viewed him touring The Catholic Register’s office on Yonge Street from the comfort of my remote workspace in Calgary, I first enjoyed a full-on interaction with the now Cardinal this past January.

Ontario’s Catholic bishops await learning which dicastery assignments Pope Francis will confer to new Cardinal Toronto Francis Leo with great anticipation.

In October, when he was invited to join the College of Cardinals, Cardinal-elect Francis Leo said he would discern how this elevation could help him become an even better servant for the Archdiocese of Toronto and beyond.

According to Vincent Veerasuntharam's tabulations, 100 delegates departed from Toronto Pearson Airport, and an additional 75 emissaries lifted off from Montréal–Trudeau International Airport to witness Cardinal Francis Leo being welcomed into the College of Cardinals at the Vatican.

Cardinal Francis Leo’s promotion within the universal Catholic hierarchy also proved to be a gift for Neil MacCarthy, the longtime director of publications and communications for the Archdiocese of Toronto.

What is the core difference between serving as a Cardinal of Toronto rather than an archbishop? The short answer: more sojourns to the Vatican.

A new survey co-commissioned by the Angus Reid Institute and Cardus found 62 per cent of Canadians are concerned that socially and financially vulnerable citizens will choose euthanasia instead of seeking out adequate and quality health care.