OTTAWA - Parental rights and freedom of education are essential to democracy at a time when the state is trying to exert even more power over the education of children, said the co-founder of an independent school movement in France.

Misericordia Sisters’ founder named venerable


Canadian-born Mother Rosalie Cadron- Jette, whose ministry to assist young women is alive today in Toronto’s Rosalie Hall for unwed mothers, is one step closer to sainthood.

Persecuted minorities must band together to fight all oppression says activist


OTTAWA - Persecuted minorities must band together to fight all oppression, not only their own, One Free World International founder Majed El Shafe told a human rights event in Ottawa Dec. 9.

Taking the mystery out of sacred mysteries


TORONTO - The sacred mysteries aren’t so mysterious to the faithful because the liturgies already reveal them, says Fr. Bill Irwin.

Ending hunger on a Wave of Prayer


A Wave of Prayer, a campaign to end global hunger, will wash over Canada on Dec. 10, International Human Rights Day.

Mandela belonged to all Africans, Toronto congregation believes


TORONTO - Toronto’s African Catholic Community celebrated Nelson Mandela’s life Dec. 8 and claimed him as their inspiration three days after the man who led South Africa out of apartheid died.

Plenty for Canadians to like in Evangelii Gaudium


The Church of Pope Francis’ dreams, a Church that is poor and for the poor, is becoming the dream of Canadians, many of whom, from all across the spectrum, have been left smiling by Pope Francis’ love letter to the Church on the new evangelization.

Quebec Holy Door marks roots of faith in Canada


Quebec Archbishop Gérald Lacroix hopes the Holy Door being installed at la Basilique-cathedrale Notre-Dame de Quebec will draw more than a million North Americans closer to their roots and faith.

Toronto hosts Advent Day of Confession


TORONTO - This Advent season, churches across the archdiocese of Toronto will open day and night on Dec. 11 for a special Day of Confessions.

Filipinos’ solidarity inspiring in aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan


Touring Tacloban in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan, Ryan Worms was aware of horror and grace.

Moving forward on native reconciliation


Money can’t buy you love, or justice, or reconciliation. But sometimes money is the necessary first step.