St. John’s, Nfld. - To understand Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and to act on it we need everybody all together, Archbishop Martin Currie told a prayer service held to introduce Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home at St. Teresa’s Church June 18.

Francis takes fresh approach to dialogue


OTTAWA - In Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, some informed readers see Pope Francis seeking a dialogue with the whole world while giving new insight into the relationship of human beings to creation.

Pope’s respect for Islam in encyclical a Ramadan blessing


Laudato Si’ arrived on the first day of Ramadan and it was the first papal document in history to cite a Muslim scholar and mystic as an authority — to the delight of Toronto Muslim leaders.

Here today and gone tomorrow? Not likely


Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once famously quipped, “A week is a long time in politics.” It is a truism that Pope Francis and the Vatican might well be discovering about the widespread reception of Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.

Canada squarely in Laudato Si’ crosshairs


The Pope’s encyclical on the environment is addressed to the entire world, but it has different messages for different parts of it.

Spiritual ways to a better environment


Pope Francis is calling for an “ecological conversion” for all in his encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home. The Pope calls for people to use spirituality to encourage “a more passionate concern for the protection of our world” and lists a number of practical ways to integrate this teaching in our daily lives. Below we have looked at some of the Pope’s recommendations and included some suggestions about how to integrate his teachings into our daily lives.

Montreal marks 400 years since Champlain’s first Mass


MONTREAL - Montreal Archbishop Christian Lepine celebrated Mass on a birch bark canoe altar June 24 to mark the feast of St. John the Baptist while at the same time commemorating the 400th anniversary of what is widely thought to be the first Mass ever celebrated on the Island of Montreal.

Chaplaincy team ready for Pan Ams


TORONTO - Growing up in Venezuela, Fr Eduardo Soto fell in love with the Pan Am Games when his home country hosted the quadrennial event in Caracas in 1983.

Series of events combine to put ShareLife behind


Natural disasters around the world combined with a larger fund-raising campaign in the archdiocese tapping into the generosity of Toronto Catholics are making for one of the most difficult years in ShareLife’s history.

Cathedral closed over safety concerns


TORONTO - First construction stripped St. Michael’s Cathedral of its spiritual atmosphere, now it is blocking parishioners from entering the pews and sacred space.

Sr. Nirmala Joshi, successor to Blessed Teresa, dies at 81


CALCUTTA, India - Sr. Nirmala Joshi, who succeeded Blessed Teresa of Calcutta as superior general of the Missionaries of Charity and led the order for 12 years until retiring in 2009, died early June 23 in Calcutta at age 80.