In his own way, Pope Francis is developing a different kind of vaccine to battle the effects of COVID-19. This is not a vaccine developed in a scientific lab, but it may well be a much-needed antidote to some of the unseen but crippling injuries that have accompanied the pandemic.

Published in Editorial


As 50 years have passed since the legalization of abortion in Canada, we should acknowledge some of the early pioneers in the fight to stop the passage of this inhumane law.

Published in Letters to the editor

LANCASTER, England - A small group of Catholics has accused Pope Francis of heresy and has written to the world's bishops asking them to "take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation of a heretical pope."

Published in Vatican
VATICAN – To keep silent about the truths of the Catholic faith or to teach the contrary is a form of religious deception that comes from the anti-Christ, said Cardinal Gerhard Muller.
Published in International

There was a time, not too far in the past, when people would look to their Church for the various supports they needed in their family life.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – Everything in the document "Amoris Laetitia" on marriage and family life is based on Catholic Church teaching "always in continuity -- without ruptures -- yet always maturing," Pope Francis said.
Published in International
WASHINGTON – Priests continue to play diverse and integral roles in marriage preparation across Europe and Asia.
Published in International
SYDNEY – The widespread use of contraception has led to increased violence and aggression against women, the theologian of the papal household said during a mid-July visit to Sydney.
Published in International
VATICAN – The future cannot be understood without reflecting on the past and on the history and traditions passed on to young people from parents and grandparents, Pope Francis said.
Published in Faith
The German bishops' conference has published a document containing key points for marriage preparation based on Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation, "Amoris Laetitia."
Published in International

OTTAWA – The long-running debate over Pope Francis’ views on marriage and the family will eventually result in a more unified Church, says a prominent Catholic author.

Published in Canada
VATICAN – "Rejoice and Be Glad," Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation on "the call to holiness in the modern world" will be released April 9, the Vatican announced.
Published in International

It’s a new era in the Church and therefore a new era for the Church’s social teaching, says Archbishop Paul-André Durocher.

Published in Canada

In 2015 the Pope gave an interview to the Mexican media giant Televisa and said, “I have the sense that my pontificate will be brief — four or five years.” On March 13 he will have hit the five-year mark. He is 81 years old.

Published in International

On March 13, 2013 the new pope, a surprise selection, received thunderous cheers when introduced to thousands of pilgrims packed into a drizzly St. Peter’s Square. It was a precedent-setting night. Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the first South American pope, the first Jesuit pope and the first pope named Francis.

Published in Editorial
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