Canadian Sister Blessed Marie-Leonie Paradis, founder of the Institute of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family of Sherbrooke, will be declared a saint on Oct. 20.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY (CNA) -- Prince Charles will attend the canonization of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman next month.

Published in Vatican

CHICAGO -- A few prayers to Blessed John Henry Newman became a "constant dialogue" and then a desperate response to an emergency for Melissa Villalobos of Chicago.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis will declare Blessed John Henry Newman, the 19th-century British cardinal, a saint Oct. 13.

Published in Faith
THRISSUR, India – For the nearly 2,000 sisters and 200 women in formation who make up the Congregation of the Holy Family, the long wait is over.
Published in International
VATICAN – Pope Francis advanced the sainthood causes of three women and recognized the martyrdom of 14 religious sisters who were killed during the Spanish Civil War.
Published in Faith

VATICAN – The twin canonizations — along with five others — of Pope St. Paul VI and St. Oscar Romero prompted many to look for similarities between the two. But the more suggestive similarity is between “San Romero” — as they call him in El Salvador — and the pope whose 40th anniversary is marked this week.

Published in Register Columnists
VATICAN – Pope Francis and many people attending the canonization Mass in St. Peter's Square were alive when St. Paul VI and St. Oscar Romero were alive, but the new saints' relics and those of five other people canonized Oct. 14 still were present at the Mass as reminders that the saints were flesh-and-blood people who lived holy lives.
Published in Faith
VATICAN CITY – As the sun rose over the Tiber River, seven banners hanging on the facade of St. Peter's Basilica depicting the church's newest saints were illuminated by the new day.
Published in International
VATICAN – Carrying Pope Paul VI's pastoral staff and wearing the blood-stained belt of Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador, Pope Francis formally recognized them, and five others, as saints of the Catholic Church.
Published in Reflections

It’s a nine-hour flight from Toronto to Vatican City. It’s seven hours by jet to El Salvador. But Msgr. Oscar Romero’s canonization on Oct. 14 will not be a distant event for many Catholics. 

Published in Faith
VATICAN – Pope Francis will preside over a consistory to approve several canonizations, the Vatican announced.
Published in International
VATICAN – On Tuesday the Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved the second miracle needed for the canonization of Blessed Pope Paul VI, allowing his canonization to take place, possibly later this year.
Published in Faith

VATICAN – Inviting all faithful to practice Christian love every day, Pope Francis on Sunday canonized 35 new saints, nearly all of them martyrs, holding them up as models who “point the way”. 

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY – A commission of Croatian and Serbian experts studying Blessed Alojzije Stepinac's life said they were unable to reach a conclusion on questions regarding the controversial martyr's history.

Published in International
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