TORONTO - The Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) board of directors unanimously voted to reject a campus pro-life club’s application to become an official student campus group.

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

OTTAWA - Campaign Life Coalition has announced “Let Life Win” as the theme of the 2015 National March for Life to be held May 14 in Ottawa.

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TORONTO - With a federal election scheduled for this year, Campaign Life Coalition has launched the #No2Trudeau campaign to foil the Liberal leader's victory plan.

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Guelph and Area Right to Life has begun a crowdfunding campaign to help build a place of healing and remembrance for parents who have lost a child in the pre-born and early stages of life.

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OTTAWA - With one year to come up with a solution after the Supreme Court struck down Canada’s laws against physician-assisted suicide, there are any number of options being bandied about on all spectrums of the political divide.

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Abortion opponents marking the huge annual March for Life in Washington Jan. 22 and anticipating legislative gains by a Republican-dominated Congress were thrown into disarray after GOP leaders unexpectedly withdrew an anti-abortion bill that had been seen as a done deal.

Published in International

WASHINGTON - Evoking a phrase long associated with the civil rights movement, Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston told an overflow crowd in Washington that "we shall overcome" in the fight against abortion.

Published in International

During my 14 years in the pro-life movement, I’ve been physically attacked, had rocks, condoms, ketchup thrown at me, had speeches picketed, been publicly mocked, and have had horrible things said about my family, most especially my mother who had me as a result of an unexpected teen pregnancy. I have also had the honour of knowing Mary Wagner for close to five years and have accompanied her numerous times as she has been arrested for disregarding a court order and handing out roses at abortion clinics.

Published in Guest Columns

More than 100 U.S. Roman Catholic leaders are using this week’s annual march against legal abortion to press anti-abortion House members to pass immigration reform, saying they should see it as another “pro-life” issue.

Published in International

With the new year came fewer abortion restrictions in New Brunswick, to the dismay of pro-lifers.

Published in Canada

Members of Right to Life New Brunswick are demanding a vote in the provincial legislature on the Liberal government’s plans to make it easier to procure an abortion in the province.

Published in Canada

TORONTO - Charges of disobeying a court order and obstructing a peace officer against Toronto pro-life demonstrator Linda Gibbons were withdrawn on Nov. 12, charges that never should have been laid in the first place, according to her lawyer. 

Published in Canada: Toronto-GTA

WASHINGTON - Pro-life groups that have battled with the federal government since the first rules were issued on contraceptive coverage in 2012 derided the government's latest rules allowing religious institutions -- and potentially some for-profit companies -- to opt out of the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act.

Published in International
August 19, 2014

Pro-life trek complete

OTTAWA - Canada’s pro-life Crossroads Walkers finished a three-month trek across the country in Ottawa Aug. 16 with a small rally near Parliament Hill’s Eternal Flame. 

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - A recent Angus Reid Global poll shows 59 per cent of Canadians are “fine” with no law restricting abortion, contradicting LifeCanada’s consistent polling results since 2002 that show Canadians seek some restrictions on abortion.

Published in Canada