Donations of real estate are a popular way to benefit a favourite charity.  Here are some of ways to donate real estate and the tax implications of this type of gift:

Published in Estate Planning

Those invested in Peterborough's Sacred Heart College are riding high after an emotionally turbulent end to the month of March.

Published in Canada

PARIS - More than 40,000 French have signed a rousing “Hands off my church” petition in recent days denouncing a Muslim leader’s casual remark that some of France’s many empty or underused churches could be turned into much-needed mosques.

Published in International

One of the most challenging issues in estate planning is how to handle the disposition of a vacation property. The challenge is how to dispose of such property either during life or at death. For those with a small family or perhaps a single child, the decision is not challenging. For those with multiple children, the decision on whether to retain family vacation properties or share them among members of the family can be difficult. 

Published in Estate Planning