Mickey Conlon, The Catholic Register

Mickey Conlon, The Catholic Register

One woman’s labour of love has seen an overgrown peace garden at a Catholic school in Orangeville, Ont., brought back to life as a Rosary Garden.

Peel police are investigating a rash of thefts at three Catholic cemeteries in Mississauga, Ont., where thieves have made off with bronze vases from gravesites.

Andrew Chater understands he is going where no Brescia University College faculty has ever gone before, and it’s a challenge he is welcoming.

All things considered, when the initial haze of marijuana smoke clears on Oct. 17 things are expected to be just as they were the day before in schools around Canada. But that doesn’t mean educators will be complacent.

You’d almost think it wasn’t a big deal to Anne and Dane MacCarthy, the Vatican honouring the Toronto couple for their years of service to the Church.

Toronto Catholics are being warned about a new e-mail scam involving someone impersonating Cardinal Thomas Collins.

A Catholic school in downtown Toronto that has set empty for most of the past 15 years has been offered for free to the city, with one caveat: that it be used as a shelter.

It was 100 years ago, in Lindsay, Ont., when the roots of the Women’s Inter-Church Council were firmly planted. Since then, the ecumenical women’s council has stayed true to its motto: “Rooted in faith, called to action.”

It’s harvest time across Canada, and the back-breaking labour on some farms will be supporting people around the world with emergency food supplies and long-term food security.

Canadians from coast to coast are being called to take up arms through the Rosary Oct. 7 in a clarion call for peace.