
Pope Francis prayed in thanksgiving for the release of two Ukrainian Catholic priests who were held in Russian captivity for more than 19 months, calling on Christians to pray for the release of all prisoners of war.

Kenya bishops plead for calm amid storming of parliament, deaths and injuries


The Kenyan capital descended into chaos June 25 as protests over legislation dubbed a finance bill left several dead and dozens injured. The country's bishops called for peace and urged the president not to accede to the measure aimed at raising revenue by levying additional taxes.

British bishop's historic ordination shows Rome's strong support for ordinariates' mission


The first bishop of a special diocese in Great Britain created for Catholics of the Anglican tradition has welcomed the pope's show of support and predicted the fledgling Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham will continue growing and strengthening.

Louisiana public schools must post Ten Commandments, other historical documents


Public school classrooms in Louisiana will now be required to display the Ten Commandments by the start of 2025 as part of a new educational reform law signed by Gov. Jeff Landry.

Vatican accuses former US nuncio Vigano of schism, begins trial


The Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith has begun an extrajudicial penal trial to determine if Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former nuncio to the United States, is guilty of schism, the archbishop said on social media.

Researchers believe Vatican archives hold UFO secrets


A group of scientists and researchers is seeking access to the Vatican Apostolic Archives to uncover information about UFOs and the paranormal, believing there may be traces amid the 80 km of shelves holding everything from handwritten papal notes to presidential missives.

10 years after Islamic State group's bloody rampage, Iraq's displaced Christians still struggle


For Iraqi Catholics, it's a date they will never forget. The takeover of Mosul by militants of the Islamic State group 10 years ago began their bloody and destructive rampage over the weeks that followed through the country's ancestral heartland which Christians called home for the past 16 centuries.

On D-Day anniversary, Pope Francis says attacking peace is a grave sin


Marking 80 years since some 4,400 Allied troops "heroically gave their lives" to the cause of freedom by storming the beach in Normandy, D-Day commemorations remind the world that disrupting peace in pursuit of worldly interests is a grave sin, Pope Francis said.

Disappeared Ukrainian priests may be in Russian labor camp, says human rights researcher


Two disappeared Ukrainian Greek Catholic priests seized by Russian forces from their church in Berdyansk in November 2022 are possibly in a Russian-operated labor camp in occupied Ukraine, according to a human rights information service.

D-Day's 80th anniversary honours the past, aims to teach future generations, French bishop says


The Catholic Church in France prepares to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Normandy landings June 6, a date known as D-Day that marked the beginning of the liberation of France and Europe from Nazi Germany's occupation during World War II.

Cardinal Parolin: Ukraine using NATO weapons to strike Russia risks escalation


Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, said allowing Ukraine to use NATO weapons to attack military targets in Russia would lead to "an escalation that no one will be able to control anymore."