
{mosimage}NEW YORK - As his Alitalia Boeing 777, dubbed “Shepherd One,” lifted off from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport, Pope Benedict XVI had reason to smile. During his April 15-20 visit to the United States, he had been received warmly by hundreds of thousands, faced the sex-abuse crisis head on and offered a message of hope in Christ to American Catholics.

Paraguay chooses retired bishop as president


{mosimage}ASUNCION, Paraguay - Retired Bishop Fernando Lugo was elected president of Paraguay April 20, ending the six-decade rule of the Colorado Party.

Lugo took an early lead in the pre-election polls, despite official disapproval from the Vatican and, initially, from the Paraguayan bishops’ conference. As support for Lugo remained high in the largely Catholic country, the conference refrained from further comment.

Pope urges Americans to find hope in Christ


{mosimage}NEW YORK - As his final goodbye to the American people, Pope Benedict XVI prayed at Ground Zero, the location of the worst terrorist attack ever conducted on U.S. soil, and celebrated Holy Eucharist with 57,000 Catholics at Yankee Stadium.

The Pope talks about Jesus


Pope Benedict XVI's final homily to Americans, given at the Sunday, April 20, Mass at Yankee Stadium, was about Jesus. Imagine that, a Catholic Pope, at a Catholic Mass, talking about Jesus.

The Pope talks about Jesus

Pope Benedict XVI's final homily to Americans, given at the Sunday, April 20, Mass at Yankee Stadium, was about Jesus. Imagine that, a Catholic Pope, at a Catholic Mass, talking about Jesus.

A fellow Canadian wearing a red hat

Among all the red hats and sashes trailing after the Pope at his various events here in the United States was one who is a familiar figure to Canadians. It was Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop of Quebec and primate of the Catholic Church in Canada.

A fellow Canadian wearing a red hat


Among all the red hats and sashes trailing after the Pope at his various events here in the United States was one who is a familiar figure to Canadians. It was Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop of Quebec and primate of the Catholic Church in Canada.

Happy anniveraries


Pope Benedict's six-day visit to the United States has been marked by a plethora of anniversaries. Even his own: the Holy Father celebrated his 81st birthday on April 16, the day he met U.S. President George Bush in Washington, DC.

Happy anniveraries

Pope Benedict's six-day visit to the United States has been marked by a plethora of anniversaries. Even his own: the Holy Father celebrated his 81st birthday on April 16, the day he met U.S. President George Bush in Washington, DC.

Praying at Ground Zero


The spring sunshine of the past week had given way to cool air and gray skies. Fog enshrouded the tops of Manhattan's skyline. At Ground Zero, some five storeys below street level where once stood the World Trade Towers, Pope Benedict XVI prayed for the dead and the living.

Praying at Ground Zero

The spring sunshine of the past week had given way to cool air and gray skies. Fog enshrouded the tops of Manhattan's skyline. At Ground Zero, some five storeys below street level where once stood the World Trade Towers, Pope Benedict XVI prayed for the dead and the living.