My favourite prayer: A Reassuring ritual

By  Sara Loftson, The Catholic Register
  • February 25, 2007

TORONTO - CFL football player Jude St. John has prayed the Lord’s Prayer before each game ever since he started playing football.

jude-st.-john“It’s reassuring that it’s part of the tradition and the ritual before I play a game,” said St. John, an offensive guard with the Toronto Argonauts since 1998.

The Lord’s Prayer is his favourite pre-game prayer because of the comfort it brings him. He’s made it part of his pre-game routine in the locker room before going onto the field.

“Football is a pretty ridiculous game in a lot of ways and your prayer would be that God would somehow get glory from playing the game.”

St. John was raised Catholic and learned the Lord’s Prayer as a child. For the past 14 years he has been an active member of Church in the Oaks, a Pentecostal congregation in London, Ont.

“My personal view is that God’s not too concerned about the outcome of a football game. His concern is people. I don’t pray to win, I pray that I can play to the best of my ability.”

Prayer “helps me to put things into perspective. I have my faith, my family and my football and my football is a distant third,” said St. John, father of five and husband to his wife, Nicole.

“Whatever it is that I do, football or teaching or parenting, I use God’s help as much as possible in whatever I do,” he said.

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