Edmonton Archbishop Richard Smith’s heart is with the people of Jasper, Alta., and tourists forced to evacuate from the wildfire wreaking desolation on the small alpine town and the neighbouring famous Jasper National Park since last night.

Church suppression a key socialist plank


To totalitarian regimes, suppression of the opposition, in often violent ways, has long been a key to staying in power.

St. John the Baptist Burlington's beacon for 175 years


St. John the Baptist Parish in Burlington, Ont., has been feeding souls for the past 175 years.

Divine Retreat Centre's Bible Convention marks 10 years


In collaboration with the Archdiocese of Toronto, the Divine Retreat Centre of Toronto will host its annual Bible Convention event in August with this year marking a decade of celebration among the local Vincentian community.

Iraq’s Christians find reason for hope


With the restoration of Cardinal Louis Sako as the official head and patriarch of Iraq’s Chaldean (Eastern rite Catholic) Church, the dwindling Christian minority has reason to hope for a better future in their own homeland, say Church leaders.

Biden addresses historic decision to end reelection bid: 'The best way forward is to pass the torch'


President Joe Biden addressed his historic decision to end his reelection bid and sought to set the tone on his legacy in remarks from the Oval Office on July 24.

'All one in Christ' at U.S. Eucharistic congress


Though deeply immersed in fashioning a life-sized bronze tribute to future saint Blessed Carlo Acutis, Canadian Catholic sculptor Timothy Schmalz keenly kept abreast of the discourse at the 10th U.S. National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.

Knights of Columbus cover Rupnik mosaics in Washington shrine


Premium brown paper was placed over significant portions of an extensive mosaic program in the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington July 23, obscuring images of holy figures created by a renowned priest-artist under investigation for allegations of sexual abuse.

Canada's bishops recommit to reconciliation


Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) President Bishop William McGrattan today reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s commitment to reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous peoples to mark the second anniversary of Pope Francis embarking upon his penitential pilgrimage to Canada.

Quebec Cardinal resumes duties after abuse investigation


Cardinal Gérald Lacroix is resuming his duties as Quebec’s archbishop, six months after stepping aside when he was accused of sexual misconduct for which a Vatican-mandated investigation found no evidence to support.

As Olympic truce is launched, 'Olympic' bishop says he wants to help athletes meet Christ


As Paris stands in the starting blocks for the 2024 Olympic Games that kick off July 26, the Olympic truce was launched in the iconic La Madeleine church in the heart of the French capital July 19.

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