The Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith has begun an extrajudicial penal trial to determine if Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former nuncio to the United States, is guilty of schism, the archbishop said on social media.

Researchers believe Vatican archives hold UFO secrets


A group of scientists and researchers is seeking access to the Vatican Apostolic Archives to uncover information about UFOs and the paranormal, believing there may be traces amid the 80 km of shelves holding everything from handwritten papal notes to presidential missives.

Long-suffering Mount Cashel victims settlements on hold, again


The passing of another plaintiff in the Mount Cashel abuse case further highlights the repeated delays that have continually cropped up in the legal process. Monetary restitution not received is ultimately justice denied.

Vancouver Catholic hospital faces MAiD ‘conundrum’


More than half a year has now passed since the British Columbia government ordered Vancouver Coastal Health to build a euthanasia facility next to St. Paul’s Hospital, thereby doing an end run around the Catholic hospital’s principled opposition to assisted suicide.

Family sues over Vancouver Catholic hospital’s euthanasia policy


The parents of a terminally ill woman who was transferred to another facility to be euthanized after St. Paul’s Hospital refused to allow the procedure on its premises are suing the provincial government and Providence Health Care, the Catholic health-care provider that operates St. Paul’s.

Concerns surround MAiD for prisoners


Despite recent revisions to guidelines for Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) in Canadian prisons announced in March, correctional investigator Ivan Zinger remains concerned about a process that remains opaque to public scrutiny. 

No end in sight for affordability crisis


A new report shows 26 per cent of 1,515 Canadian adults polled indicate they are “extremely concerned about having enough income to cover their basic needs,” with seven per cent of respondents saying they have had to turn to food banks, food hampers or community meal programs, up from six per cent in October 2023.

Anti-Israel tirade sparks board apology


The York Catholic District School Board has apologized after one of its schools hosted a pro-Palestinian guest speaker who demonized Israel for how it is carrying out operations during the current Mideast conflict.

TCDSB moves forward 'In God's Image'


Beginning this upcoming school year, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is undertaking a three-year apostolic journey of growing in knowledge with justice and hope.

Initiative puts students’ faith in action


A group of students from Toronto's Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School was crowned winners of the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, with their $5,000 award donated to St. Felix Centre in downtown Toronto.

Scarborough class designs CNE pass


Few iconic summer traditions unite Toronto kids with excitement as much as the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) does each year.