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TORONTO - Toronto’s new archbishop will have something to say about what Canadian mining companies are doing to the environment and to local populations around the world in the kickoff for St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church’s lecture series, “Stewardship of the Earth, Calling the Mining Industry to Account.”

Chief shepherds helped forge Catholic Toronto

Since its founding as a diocese on Dec. 17, 1841, Toronto has had 12 chief shepherds. Below are short profiles of the 10 archbishops/bishops who preceded Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic. Much of this information was supplied by the Archives of the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Christians, Jews united

Toronto - Just a couple of weeks after announcing his retirement as archbishop of Toronto, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic confessed his love to a gathering of about 50 at Holy Blossom Temple.

Archbishop Collins Coat of Arms


The motto “Deum Adora” (Worship God) is taken from the Book of Revelation 22: 9. When St. John seeks to worship the angel who has shown him the great visions of the book, the angel rebukes him: “Worship God.” It is God who claims our adoration and loyalty, in worship and in action. St. Thomas More expressed this when in his last words before martyrdom he said: “I die the king’s good servant, but God’s first.” Our priorities in life must be clear and determined by our adoration of the Lord.

The shield with a gold cross on a red background is based on that of St. Peter’s Seminary. The Alpha and Omega recall the Book of Revelation 22:13, where Jesus says: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” The open Bible and the chalice represent the two great ways in which we experience Jesus in the church, in word and sacrament.

A conversation with Archbishop Collins


Editor’s note: A few days before officially being installed as chief shepherd of Toronto, Archbishop Thomas Collins sat down with The Catholic Register to talk about what it means to be a bishop and how the local diocesan church relates to its many parts. Below are some excerpts from that interview.

ShareLife golf tourney goes June 13

TORONTO - A new venue, expanded course and great memories await golfers attending the 12th annual ShareLife Golf Tournament on June 13.

Regis lecture series focuses on media

TORONTO - Regis College will offer its annual series of Lenten lectures starting March 2 under the theme Media and Spirituality.

Cardinal’s Dinner beneficiaries

Editor’s note: The following charities were the recipients of the proceeds from this past year’s Cardinal’s Dinner, held Nov. 9, 2006, at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto. In total, $173,000 was raised for the various charities.

OBITUARY: Fr. Corkery served parishes across three provinces

TORONTO - Redemptorist Father John Francis Corkery, in his 65th year of religious life, passed away in Toronto Jan. 23. He was 88.

Wheels in motion to celebration unity week centennial


interfaithlogoTORONTO - The Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Atonement finished off the 99th Week of Prayer for Christian Unity by launching a web site dedicated to helping the whole church get ready for the 100th anniversary of the annual week.

Toronto’s new archbishop calls Catholics to build a New Jerusalem


TORONTO - Toronto’s newest archbishop used his installation Mass Jan. 30 to call on his flock to help build a “New Jerusalem” on earth. While the real New Jerusalem can only be found after our death, we can strive while we are alive to live as if we are already among its residents, said Archbishop Thomas Collins.